Cyber Laws, Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence

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Short Description:

ISBN: 978-81-1956-504-7

AUTHOR: Dr. Jyoti Rattan

Edition: 10th edn., 2024

Year: 2024

Pages: 640

Chapter 1

Basic Concepts: Computer, ICTS & Internet

1.1      Introduction                                                                                                                            

1.2      Computer                                                                                                                                

1.3      Information and Communication Technology (ICT)                                                    

1.4      Internet                                                                                                                                    

1.5      Conclusion                                                                                                                              


Chapter 2

Advantages, Disadvantages and
Applications of
ICTS & Internet Technology

2.1      Advantages of ICTs or Internet Technology 

2.2      Application of Internet Technology 

2.3      Disadvantages 

2.4      Conclusion 


Chapter 3

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its
Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications

3.1      Artificial Intelligence (AI)

3.2      Evolution 

3.3      Types of AI 

3.4      Advantages and Disadvantages of AI (AI)

3.5      Practical Applications of AI Technologies 

3.6      Internet and AI 

3.7      AI (AI) and ICTs 

3.8      The Future of AI 

3.9      Conclusion 


Chapter 4

Malware or Malicious Computer Codes

4.1      Malware or Malicious Computer Codes: Computer Contaminants, Viruses, and Worms, etc.

4.2      Conclusion 

Chapter 5

Network and Network Security

5.1      Networks                                                                                                                                  

5.2      Network Security                                                                                                                    

5.3      Major Cyberattacks in India                                                                                               

5.4      Conclusion                                                                                                                              


Chapter 6

Cyberspace and Netizen

6.1      Cyberspace 

6.2      Netizens 

6.3      Conclusion 


Chapter 7

Cyber Law & Components of Cyber Law

7.1      Cyber Law  

7.2      Components of Cyber Law  

7.3      Indian Position 

7.4      Conclusion 


Chapter 8

Cyber Law in India:
An Overview of Information Technology Act, 2000

8.1      What was the need for the enactment of the Information Technology Act, 2000? 

8.2      Short Title, Extent, Commencement, and Application [Section 1]

8.3      An Overview of Information Technology Act, 2000 

8.4      Digital India Bill, 2023: Successor of the IT Act, 2000 

8.5      Conclusion 





Chapter 9

Cryptography, Encryption Technique & Algorithm and DigitSignature & Electronic Signature

9.1      Problems in Electronic Record or Message 

9.2      Main Requirements for an Electronic Record or Message on the Internet

9.3      Why Digital Signatures (DSS)/Electronic Signature (ESS)? 

9.4      Digital Signature 

9.5      Difference between Electronic Signatures (ESS) and Digital Signatures (DSS)

9.6      Secure Electronic Record and Secure Digital Signature 

9.7      Conclusion 


Chapter 10


10.1    Introduction 

10.2    What is EDI? 

10.3    E-Commerce 

10.4    Various International Organizations Involved in E-Commerce Law  

10.5    International Law Relating to E-Commerce 

10.6    Implementation of Uncitral Model Laws in India 

10.7    Dos and Donets of Online Shopping 

10.8    Conclusion 


Chapter 11

[Sections 4-10A]

11.1    What is E-Governance? 

11.2    E-Governance and Law in India 

11.3    Conclusion 


Chapter 12

E-Record & E-Contract

12.1    Electronic Record [Section 2(1)(t)]

12.2    Attribution of Electronic Records [Section 11]

12.3    Acknowledgment of Receipt [Section 12]

12.4    Time and Place Of Dispatch and Receipt of E-Record [Section 13]

12.5    Online Contracts 

12.6    Conclusion 



Chapter 13


13.1    Introduction 

13.2    International Law Related to Information Technology Regulatory Authorities 

13.3    Indian Law Related to Information Technology Regulatory Authorities and their Working 

13.4    Conclusion 


Chapter 14

Certifying Authority

14.1    Who can become Certifying Authority? [Rule 8(1)]

14.2    Cross Certification [Rule 12]

14.3    Role of the Certifying Authority 

14.4    Conclusion 


Chapter 15

Electronic Signature Certificates

15.1    Application for Granting of Electronic Signature Certificate [Section 35(1)]

15.2    Fee [Section 35(2) & Rule 30(1)]

15.3    Documents to be Attached with the Application [Section 35(3)]

15.4    Granting of Electronic Signature Certificate [Section 35(4) and Rule 23]

15.5    Time Period of Certificate [Rule 26]

15.6    Suspension of Digital Signature Certificate [Section 37]

15.7    Revocation of Digital Signature Certificate [Section 38 and Rule 29]

15.8    Notice of Suspension and Revocation [Section 39]

15.9    Conclusion 


Chapter 16


16.1    Who is a subscriber? [Section 2(1)(zg)]

16.2    Procedure in becoming a Subscriber

16.3    Duties of Subscriber

16.4    Compromise of Digital Signature Certificate [Rule 28 of the Information Technology (Certifying Authorities) Rules, 2000]

16.5    Conclusion 




Chapter 17

Appellate Tribunal

17.1    Introduction 

17.2    Telecom Disputes Settlement And Appellate TribunaL [Section 48]

17.3    Term of Office [Section 51]

17.4    Decision by the majority [Section 52D]

17.5    Orders constituting Appellate Tribunal to be final and not to invalidate its proceedings [Section 55]

17.6    Appeal to Appellate Tribunal [Section 57]

17.7    Procedure and powers of the Appellate Tribunal [Section 58]

17.8    Right to legal representation [Section 59]

17.9    Limitation period [Section 60]

17.10  Civil court not to have jurisdiction [Section 61]

17.11  Appeals to High Court [Section 62]

17.12  Compounding of contraventions [Section 63]

17.13  Recovery of penalty [Section 64]

17.14  Conclusion 


Chapter 18

Cyber Crimes: Cyber Contraventions

18.1    Cyber Crime 

18.2    Classification of cyber crimes 

18.3    Prevention of Cyber Crimes 

18.4    Cyber Crimes: Cyber Offences and Cyber Contraventions under the Information Technology Act, 2000 

18.5    Conclusion 


Chapter 19

Cyber Offences

19.1    International Law on Cyber Crimes 

19.2    Cyber Offences Under the Information Technology Act, 2000 

19.3    Cyber Crime Crime Statistics and Cases around the World 

19.4    Cyber Crime Case Reports in India 

19.5    Cyber Crime Cases Decided under the Provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 When the it Act was not Sufficient

19.6    Conclusion 



Chapter 20

Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction, Compounding of Cyber OffenceMiscellaneous Provisions Relating to Cyber Offences

20.1    Place of Jurisdiction in Cyber Crime 

20.2    Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction, Territorial Jurisdiction in India [Section 75]

20.3    Appropriate Order Instead of Confiscation [Section 76]

20.4    Penalties or Confiscation not to Interfere with other Punishments [Section 77]

20.5    Compounding of Offences [Section 77A]

20.6    Cognizable and Bailable Offences [Section 77B]

20.7    Offences by Companies [Section 85]

20.8    Conclusion 


Chapter 21

Power of Investigation & Search

21.1    Power to Investigate Offences [Section 78]

21.2    Power to Enter and Search any Place [Section 80]

21.3    NPA Facility to Train 2,000 Policemen in Cyber Crime Cases 

21.4    Cybercrime Investigation Agencies in India 

21.5    Efforts by the Cyber Crime Investigation Agencies in India 

21.6    Conclusion 


Chapter 22

ISP & Intermediary not to be Liable in Certain Cases
[Section 79]

22.1    Internet Service Providers and Intermediary 

22.2    Who is an Intermediary? 

22.3    Functioning of Different Types of Intermediaries 

22.4    Liability of Intermediary? 

22.5    Exemption from Liability of Intermediary in Certain Cases [Section 79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000]

22.6    Cases Relating to Intermediary 

22.7    Liability of Intermediary for Cyber Contravention and Cyber Offences under sections 43A 67C, 69, 69A, 69B and 70B  

22.8    Intermediary and E-Governance 

22.9    Cybercafe as intermediary and its Duties 

22.10  Matrimonial Websites/Portals as Intermediary and its Duties 

22.11  Conclusion 




Chapter 23

Miscellaneous Provisions of the IT Act, 2000

23.1    Introduction 

23.2    Act to have overriding effect [Section 81]

23.3    Controller, Deputy Controller, and Assistant Controllers to be public servants [Section 82]

23.4    Power to give directions [Section 83]

23.5    Action Taken in Good Faith [Section 84]

23.6    Modes or methods for encryption [Section 84A]

23.7    Punishment for abetment of offences [Section 84B]

23.8    Punishment for attempt to commit offences [Section 84C]

23.9    Offences by Companies [Section 85]

23.10  Removal of difficulties [Section 86]

23.11  Power of Central Government to make rules [Section 87]

23.12  Constitution of CYBER Advisory Committee [Section 88]

23.13  Power of Controller to make regulations [Section 89]

23.14  Power of State Government to Make Rules [Section 90]

23.15  Amendment of Act 45 of 1860 [Section 91]

23.16  Amendment of Act 1 of 1872 [Section 92]

23.17  Amendment of Act 18 of 1891 [Section 93]

23.18  Amendment of Act 2 of 1834 [Section 94]

23.19  Conclusion 


Chapter 24

Consequential Amendments in
Various Conventional Laws in India

24.1    Introduction 

24.2    Consequential Amendments in Indian Penal Code, 1860 

24.3    Consequential Amendments in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 

24.4    Consequential Amendments in the Banker’s Books Evidence Act, 1891 

24.5    Consequential Amendments in the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 

24.6    Amendments in Negotiable Instrument Act, 1882 by Negotiable Instrument (Amendment) Act, 2002 

24.7    Right to Information Act, 2005 

24.8    Conclusion 


                                                                      Chapter 25                             

Grey Areas of Information Technology Act, 2000

25.1    Introduction 

25.2    Main Grey Areas of Information Technology Act, 2000 

25.3    Conclusion 


Chapter 26

E-Evidence and Computer Forensic

26.1    Introduction 

26.2    Computer Forensics 

26.3    E-Mail as Evidence 

26.4    Conclusion 


Chapter 27

Cyber Jurisdiction

27.1    Introduction 

27.2    Cyber Law and Jurisdiction 

27.3    Types of Cyber Jurisdiction 

27.4    Warning Regarding the Internet Jurisdiction by Various Countries 

27.5    The Indian Position Regarding Cyber Jurisdiction 

27.6    Conclusion 


Chapter 28


28.1    Introduction 

28.2    E-Consumer: International Scenario 

28.3    E-Consumer: Indian Scenario 

28.4    The CPA, 1986 & The CPA 2019 

28.5    Conclusion 


Chapter 29

Privacy of Online Data and Information & Right to be Forgott
The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023

29.1    Introduction 

29.2    Privacy of Online Data and Information in the Era of Information Technology 

29.3    International Legislation Relating to Privacy of Online Data and Information in the Era of Information Technology 

29.4    Searching Whatsapp Message Without Consent Amounts to A Violation of Privacy 

29.5    Right to be Forgotten (RTBF)

29.6    Law Relating to RTBF: International, Regional & National Scenario 

29.7    Judicial Pronouncements Relating To RTBF 

29.8    Conclusion 



Chapter 30

Free Speech Online or Online Freedom of Speech and
Expression and Liability of Intermediary

30.1    Introduction 

30.2    Free Speech Online and Freedom of Speech and Expression: International Scenario 

30.3    Liability of Intermediary and Online Freedom of Speech and Expression: International Scenario 

30.4    Liability of Intermediary and Online Freedom of Speech and Expression: National Scenario 

30.4.1     Indian Scenario 

30.5    Conclusion 


Chapter 31

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Issues in Digital MediumInternational and Indian Scenario

31.1    various IPRs issues in diguital medium and intellectual property? 

31.2    International Treaties and Conventions Relating to Intellectual Property Rights 

31.3    Indian Law Relating to IPRs 

31.4    World Intellectual Property Indicators Report: Record Number of IP Applications Filed Worldwide in 2022 

31.5    Conclusion 


Chapter 32

Copyright Issues and Digital Medium

32.1    International Law Relating to Copyrights 

32.2    Indian Law Relating to Copyright

32.3    Copyright Infringement in the Digital Medium   

32.4    Conclusion 


Chapter 33

Patent Issues in Digital Medium

33.1    Introduction and Definition 

33.2    Scope of Patent Protection 

33.3    What is called a Patent? 

33.4    Requirement of a Patent

33.5    Features of a Patent

33.6    International Law Relating to Patent

33.7    Patent Law in India 


33.8    Business Software Patents 

33.9    Conclusion 


Chapter 34

Domain Name Dispute & Resolution and
Trademark Issues in Digital Medium

34.1    Meaning of Trademark 

34.2    Functions of Trademark 

34.3    Attributes of a Good Trademark 

34.4    Registrable and Non Registrable Trademark 

34.5    International Law Relating to Trademark 

34.6    Indian Law Relating to Trademark 

34.7    Various Trademark Issues in Digital Medium   

34.8    Other Trademark Issues in Digital Medium   

34.9    Conclusion 


Chapter 35

Spamming and Phishing

35.1    Spamming 

35.2    Phishing 

35.3    Anti-Phishing Initiatives 

35.4    Conclusion 


Chapter 36

IPRS Issues in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

36.1    IPRS Issues in the Era of AI 

36.2    Copyright Issues Posed by AI 

36.3    Patent Issues Posed by AI 

36.4    Trademark Issues Posed by AI 

36.5    Industrial Design Issues Posed by AI 

36.6    AI Created Database & Data Protection 

36.7    AI and IP Policy: The Wipo Conversation 

36.8    AI and Law: Global Scenario 

36.9    Conclusion 


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Dr. (Mrs.) Jyoti Rattan, Associate Professor, Department of Laws, Panjab University, Chandigarh, is a topper in Law and a Gold Medalist in LL.M, Ph.D. in Law and M.Sc. in Chemistry. Her areas of interest have been Taxation laws, Cyber Law, Law of Contract, RTI and International Law. Dr. Rattan has written books on Taxation Laws, Cyber Law, RTI, International Law and Corporate Law. She has also written several research articles on Taxation Laws, Cyber Law and International Law areas besides on Inter-disciplinary Law and Administrative issues, published in reputed journals including Sage Open. She has presented papers and won awards at various national and international Conferences in India and abroad including the 91st Indian Science Congress; 26th International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Seoul, Korea, 2004; Third Regional International Conference; International Institute of Administrative Sciences (Belgium), Monterrey, Mexico, 2006 and 27th International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 2007 and 2011 International Conference of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), held at Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011. Dr. Rattan’s various papers have been selected for oral presentation, i.e., IASIA’s Annual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 5th International Conference on Information Law 2012, organised by the Ionian University and the International Society for Ethics and Technology (INSEIT) (US), in Greece; 13th International Winelands Conference 2012, Research Congress Centre of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), Mostertsdrift, Stellenbosch, South Africa; Istanbul, 9th Academic Conference organised by the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences from 13 April 2014 to 16 April 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey; the 2014 IASIA Annual Conference on Good Governance: the Position of Students, Scholars and Practitioners, Port Elizabeth, South Africa; 2014 International Congress of IIAS, Ifrane, Morocco; EGPA Annual Conference 2017 PSG XVIII on Justice and Court Administration held from 30 August to 1 September in Bovisa (Milan); 2018 Congress of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), Belgium, organized in Tunis, Tunisia, 25-29 June, 2018.
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